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Schoolwide Positive Reinforcement and Interventions and Supports

PBIS SIlver Recognition

Our PBIS / SAIL Team has earned the Silver Implementation Award by the state of California for implementing our schoolwide systems with fidelity.

Schoolwide PBIS

Schoolwide PBIS

"Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supoorting students' behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health." ( PVUSD began implementing PBIS at several schools in 2018. At Aptos High, our dedication to our students and PBIS has earned us the Silver status for implementing PBIS with fidelity. Our SAIL Leadership Team implements PBIS by creating SAIL lessons to be taught during Tutorial time, by supporting teachers in using positive reinforcements, such as the digital tool 5 Star Students, Mariner Moments, and Department Awards, and by creating and strengthening our interventions and supports schoolwide. Click on each button below to learn more about our PBIS systems.