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Counselors are assigned by student's last name, all grades 9-12
A - F =  Mrs. Kristin Fox            Ext 5280 (Department Chair)
G - Ma = Mr. John Mason           Ext 5283
Mc - Pl = Mrs. Maureen Brandi* Ext 5285
Po - Z =   Mrs. Kristen Barrett      Ext 5144
Ms. Rachael Jones                      Ext 5178 (Assistant Principal)
*Mc-Pl counselor is part-time
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Cabrillo College Dual Enrollment 
Here is some helpful information regarding dual enrollment at Cabrillo College. Please see separate tab for the dual enrollment web page!



Socio-Emotional Counselor = Ms. Christina Souza         
Ext 5106 (currently out)
Quick link to Student/Family Resources here\


CTE Counselor - Ms. Sandi Solis-Maldonado   831-245-3511* 
Scholarship Counselor - Ms. Nicole Morasca  831-508-8733*
Migrant Teacher - Mr. Oswaldo Contreras      831-406-1568*
College Facilitator, Lead - Mario Castillo                            
College Facilitator- Anahi Alcibar                       831-461-4766 
*Part-time at AHS


Q: How do students and parents/guardians make an appointment with a student's counselor?

Students can fill out a yellow form in the main office to request an appointment, or they can drop in! Student can always email their counselor for a quick response. 
***If a parent would like to request a meeting please email your students counselor! 
The professional practice of the AHS Counseling Department reflects Aptos High School's Goals. Information for students and families is provided by classroom presentations, student conferences, evening events, and more. Aptos High School Counselors collaborate with students and families with focus and intention to support student success and well-being. 
Aptos High School - School Goals
  • Goal 1: Increase the percentage of students who graduate college and career ready.
  • Goal 2: Provide students with Common Core State Standards-aligned instruction and assessments.
  • Goal 3: Maintain a safe educational and social-emotional environment that fosters a caring community where students feel connected to and supported by peers and adults.
AHS Counseling Department Vision Statement
Aptos High School students will achieve academic, career, and personal goals, to make positive contributions to the community and the global society. 
AHS Counseling Department Mission Statement
The school counseling program at Aptos High School empowers all students to achieve their highest potential, prepared to meet their college and career goals to make positive contributions to the community and the global society. The school counseling team delivers a comprehensive, data-driven program for all students to gain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for academic success, career exploration, and personal development. The school counseling department partners with other educators and stakeholders to advocate for equity, access, and success for all students. 
Aptos High School Counseling Program Basics
  • Develop courses of study based on student post-high school goals with an emphasis on college and career.
  • Monitor progress toward graduation and provide intervention meetings for students and families as needed.
  • Assistance and advocacy with college and career exploration, planning, applications and financial aid using Naviance.