The AHS Tutorial is academic and educational, providing students’ with time to make up tests, get help from teachers, complete schoolwork, read, conduct research, reflect quietly, etc. It is expected that during Tutorial, students will be engaged in an academic activity. During Tutorial, all regular classroom rules will apply. It is the Tutorial teacher’s decision as to whether a particular Tutorial will provide for collaborative work which produces more noise than individual work.
Students should plan to remain quietly in Tutorial during morning announcements which happen at the beginning of Tutorial. After the announcements have concluded, students have seven minutes to transition to where their Tutorial pass indicates.
Campus security and administration will assign after school detentions to students who do not have the correct pass or for students taking longer than seven minutes to transition. Saturday School will continue to be the consequence for cutting Tutorial.
Tutorial Do’s for students
- Quiet study time
- Catch up on missing assignments
- Review before tests
- Confer with teacher about progress and grades
- Make up tests or activities
- Research for ongoing projects
- Silent reading
- Read a newspaper or magazine
- Computer-based activities or research
- Be sure you only use the specific tutorial pass with only your name and a teacher signature, date and time in ink
- Use the library for quiet work or resources that are present in the library
Tutorial don’ts for students
- Listen to MP3s/IPods or use other non-school related electronic devices such as cell phones
- Put on makeup
- Chat rooms or games
- Non-instructional movies
- Hang out/social time
- Leave the tutorial you are in after the first seven minutes
- Go to the library every tutorial or use the library for non-productive activities