CSU-California State University
The CSU System:
The California State University system is made up of 23 campuses, making it the largest, public school system in the country.
The California State University system is made up of 23 campuses, making it the largest, public school system in the country.
For more information about the CSU system, click below:
Applying to a CSU:
The CSU system prefers students apply online using CSU Mentor. The application period is October 1 through November 30.
The CSU system prefers students apply online using CSU Mentor. The application period is October 1 through November 30.
To apply to a CSU online click below:
Campus Information:
Visit each site to get more specific information about each of the 23 campuses.
Visit each site to get more specific information about each of the 23 campuses.
Cal Maritime Academy
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
CSU Bakersfield
CSU Channel Islands
CSU Chico
CSU Dominguez Hills
CSU East Bay
CSU Fresno
CSU Fullerton
CSU Long Beach
CSU Los Angeles
CSU Monterey Bay
CSU Northridge
CSU Sacramento
CSU San Bernardino
CSU San Marcos
CSU Stanislaus
Humboldt State University
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
San Jose State University
Sonoma State University
Required "A-G" Courses:
The CSUs (and UCs) have certain course requirements called the "a-g" coursework.
To satisfy this requirement, students must complete the 15 yearlong high school courses listed below. These courses are also known as the "a-g" subjects. At least seven of the 15 yearlong courses must be taken in the last two years of high school.
The CSUs (and UCs) have certain course requirements called the "a-g" coursework.
To satisfy this requirement, students must complete the 15 yearlong high school courses listed below. These courses are also known as the "a-g" subjects. At least seven of the 15 yearlong courses must be taken in the last two years of high school.
A) History/Social Science — 2 years required
Two years of history/social science, including one year of world history, cultures and geography; and one year of U.S. history or one-half year of U.S. history and one-half year of civics or American government.
B) English — 4 years required
Four years of college-preparatory English that include frequent and regular writing, and reading of classic and modern literature. No more than one year of ESL-type courses can be used to meet this requirement.
C) Mathematics — 3 years required, 4 years recommended
Three years of college-preparatory mathematics that include the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three-dimensional geometry. Approved integrated math courses may be used to fulfill part or all of this requirement, as may math courses taken in the seventh and eighth grades that your high school accepts as equivalent to its own math courses.
D) Laboratory Science — 2 years required, 3 years recommended
Two years of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in two of these three foundational subjects: biology, chemistry and physics. Advanced laboratory science classes that have biology, chemistry or physics as prerequisites and offer substantial additional material may be used to fulfill this requirement. The final two years of an approved three-year integrated science program may be used to fulfill this requirement.
E) Language Other than English — 2 years required, 3 years recommended
Two years of the same language other than English. Courses should emphasize speaking and understanding, and include instruction in grammar, vocabulary, reading, composition and culture. Courses in languages other than English taken in the seventh and eighth grades may be used to fulfill part of this requirement if your high school accepts them as equivalent to its own courses.
F) Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) — 1 year required
A single yearlong approved arts course from a single VPA discipline: dance, drama/theater, music or visual art.
G) College Preparatory Electives — 1 year required
One year (two semesters), in addition to those required in "a-f" above, chosen from the following areas: visual and performing arts (non-introductory level courses), history, social science, English, advanced mathematics, laboratory science and language other than English (a third year in the language used for the "e" requirement or two years of another language).
In order to determine eligibility, high school students will need a CSU grade point average, ACT/SAT test scores, and an eligibility index score.
The high school grade point average is calculated on all "A-G" courses completed after 9th grade. To
calculate the CSU GPA, click below:
- ACT/SAT Test Scores
Test scores are available directly from the testing companies. Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, qualify with any test score.The CSU campuses require you to send an official copy of your SAT or ACT scores. Use code #3594 on College Board and it will automatically send your SAT scores to all 23 campuses. Many campuses want scores by December. Send scores immediately, even if you do not know which campus you are applying to.
3. Eligibility IndexCalifornia residents (California high school graduate or a resident of California for tuition purposes) must have a minimum eligibility index of 2900 using SAT scores or 694 using ACT scores. (The SAT score component for CSU is the sum of the mathematics and critical reading scores. Neither ACT nor SAT writing scores are included in the calculation of the CSU Eligibility Index.)
The CSU eligibility index is calculated by using either the SAT or ACT as follows:SAT (scores in mathematics and critical reading) + (800 x high school grade point average)-or-
(10 x ACT composite score without the writing score) + (200 x high school grade point average)
California Residents Minimum EligibilityGPA2.002.202.402.602.803.00+SAT I13001140980820660submit score (*)ACT3026221814submit score (*)
Notes:*Must submit test scores.See links for more information:Acceptance:
All acceptance is PROVISIONAL and CONDITIONAL upon eligibility index (GPA and test scores) and transcript. Contact each campus you apply to before making any schedule changes during senior year.
~~~For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please call CSU campuses directly or visit their websites.~~~Source: CSU Mentor