Community College
+++++Quick link to Cabrillo College's March Newsletter here!!+++++
******Quick link to Cabrillo College Running Start info here!!******
>>>>>Quick link to Cabrillo Collge's Cabrillo Promise Program info here!!>>>>>
Community College Access for Current AHS Students
AHS students may be dual enrolled at a local community college during the school year. Students must have a dual enrollment form approved and signed by your counselor. Keep in mind, these are college courses that will appear on both the high school and college transcripts, which will effect GPA. For more information regarding concurrent enrollment at Cabrillo College, click here.
Community College Information for Graduating Seniors
It’s not too early to start thinking about registering for the best community college program of your choice this fall. There are many fantastic schools in the area, and one might be more suited to you depending on what you are looking for. Want to transfer to a UC? Cabrillo has an Honors program that will help you transfer!
It is important to research prospective schools and make sure you are prepared to start school in the fall. All colleges have a process to follow:
It’s not too early to start thinking about registering for the best community college program of your choice this fall. There are many fantastic schools in the area, and one might be more suited to you depending on what you are looking for. Want to transfer to a UC? Cabrillo has an Honors program that will help you transfer!
It is important to research prospective schools and make sure you are prepared to start school in the fall. All colleges have a process to follow:
While it may sound like a daunting process, all community colleges have outreach programs to help you understand what you need to do. Many host open houses and Cabrillo comes to AHS to host workshops for students to attend. Use the information below as a starting point to plan for your future. Please contact each college directly with your questions.
Cabrillo College
Coordinator: June Ponce (831) 479-5759
Outreach & Running Start information
Coordinator: June Ponce (831) 479-5759
Outreach & Running Start information
Cabrillo Running Start info here!!
Monterey Penninsula College
Contact: 831.646.4000
Contact: 831.646.4000
Hartnell College
Contact: 831.755.6700
Contact: 831.755.6700
Click here for more information about how to apply to community colleges in California.
Click here for more information for a listing of all community colleges in California.